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Fans wa Beyonce, waanzisha Kanisa “National Church Of Bey” Kumuabudu DIVA.

Kuna mambo mengi sana yametokea na kuushangaza sana ulimwengu, na kuwaacha wengi wakijiuliza inakuaje watu wanafikiria mambo ya ajabu kiasi hicho. Mwishoni mwa mwaka jana huko Marekani kulianzishwa kanisa ambalo humwamini Kanye West na kumuona kama Mungu wao kwa mlengo wao.
Habari mpya ni kwamba kuna kanisa jipya lijulikanalo kama ” The National Church of Bey ” ambalo humwabudu msanii Beyonce. Kanisa hilo linalipatikana Atlanta, Georgia lilianzishwa na Pauline John Andrews na mpaka sasa waumini wake wanazidi kuongezeka.

Pauline akiongea kuhusu kanisa hilo alisema “As our congregation continues to swell, we ask that you consider what is more real; an invisible spirit on high, or a walking, talking, breathing Goddess who shows you her true form daily. Beyonce’s spirit is entrancing. We know that she was sent to this place to spread love, peace, and joy. While we do not believe Beyonce to be the Creator, we recognize that she still sits among the throne of Gods. There is a lot of false information being spread about our beliefs, but we will correct all of the vicious lie-tellers. As Beyonce spreads her gospel through song and dance, her message provides uplifting, loving, and many times real-life happenings. We humbly ask you to respect our beliefs, just as you want those to respect yours. Open your mind to new possibilities and you will see, just as we did, that Bey is a true higher power. Surfbort!”
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